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Posts in Qualified Retirement Plan
DOL Finally Allows Self-Correction of Late Contributions under VFCP-But with Catches

Late deposit of employee contributions is a common ERISA violation that may involve small dollar amounts. The Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program (VFCP), is being expanded to allow self-correction of late contributions without a formal filing, but there are important conditions to know about. Terry Moore discusses them in this post.

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Presumed Guilty? The Cornell Decision Could Help Rein in Questionable ERISA Litigation

Will common sense prevail? The Supreme Court will be issuing an opinion on what plaintiffs must plead in their complaints in order to claim that plan service arrangements are prohibited transactions. A decision for defendants could rein in fishing expeditions.

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"Disloyal, Not Imprudent": Is the American Airlines Decision Consistent with ERISA?

Jeff Mamorsky provides insights into the recent American Airlines decision on ESG investing from the perspective of his role in the drafting of ERISA.

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Carol Buckmann Talks Private Equity in 401(k)s and Trump Administration Impact with InvestmentNews

Private equity in 401(k) plans presents valuation, liquidity, and fee challenges, requiring careful evaluation, says expert Carol Buckmann.

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Takeaways from Dismissal of Anti-ESG Lawsuit Against New York City Pension Funds

Lawsuits brought on behalf of anti-ESG activists have been dismissed, demonstrating that politically-motivated lawsuits may face obstacles.

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The Supreme Court’s Rejection of Chevron Deference Could Upend Employee Plan Compliance

The Supreme Court’s recent decision ending deference to administrative agency interpretations of the law doesn’t mention ERISA, but it will have a big impact on employee benefit plans.

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ERISA at 50: The Development of New Rights and Protections and Where ERISA Has Fallen Short

Happy 50th Birthday, ERISA!. When ERISA was enactedin 1974, it provided new federal protections for plan participants. These protections have increased over the years, and spouses have gained greater rights. There have also been changes not foreseen by ERISA’s drafters such as the decline of single employer defined benefit plans. Though much progress has been made, this is also an appropriate time to consider where ERISA has fallen short.

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Use of 401(k) Plan Forfeitures Continues to be Scrutinized in Litigation

A series of lawsuits have challenged how plan sponsors have used plan forfeitures to reduce employer contributions. In this interview, Carol Buckmann discusses the issues

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In Defense of the 401(k) Plan

Critics have called the 401(k) plan a “failed experiment” and maintain that it does not provide retirement security to low and middle income employees. Does the 401(k) plan really deserve a failing grade? Recent developments suggest otherwise.

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Who Owns Plan Forfeitures? New Cases Challenge IRS Guidance

401(k) sponsors routinely use forfeitures to reduce employer contributions. New lawsuits say this is an ERISA violation. Who will win?.

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